Sunday, March 7, 2010

"Are you always tired" Just Cain't Get Enough Energy!

Why are some people always so full of energy
While you try everything you can think of and still feel tired all the time? Well, the answer is simple – you are probably doing something wrong. The problem is that there are so many different things that can make you feel tired – and while some might be obvious, I'm sure others will surprise you… Natural Health Cures!.. Energize yourself naturally...Lack of sleep causes stress...stress causes health problems...wake up feeling energized...when I'm tired, I'm not the best person to deal with, do something for yourself and feel good... why deal with it one more day...

* Did you know...
Many people only sleep for a couple of hours per night, yet they are never tired or feel tired. I sleep about 5 hours a night and don't wake up tired. I have done this all my life. Whereas my wife sleeps for 7-8 hours a night and wakes up feeling great. We all have certain numbers of required sleep time.

* Here are some people you might recognize...
Jay Leno...(4-5) hours of sleep a night
Martha Stewart...(4) hours of sleep a night
Margaret Thatcher...(4) hours of sleep a night
These people seem to function at their high stress jobs O.K.

* The fact is it's not how much sleep you get, but what kind of deep sleep you are receiving...
If you wrote down every night what time you went to bed and what time you got up and made a note as to how you felt each morning, then analyze it over a 10-30 day period, what do you think you would learn about your sleeping habits? Were you stressed some days and could not sleep, did you eat something that caused you to wake up during the night?

This site is dedicated to help you regain your energy levels, get a peaceful and relaxing nights sleep and to help you enjoy your life to the fullest.

If the book download below is not what you are looking for, please feel free to type in the word Apnea or Insomnia on the Amazon search bar for other ideas to help you get your energy back and be able to feel like yourself again. Amazon has great prices on new and used books.

We work from home. And we thank you for visiting our site. We are currently working on bringing other online shopping stores to our site for all our customers convenience. Please feel free to put us in your favorites. We are also working on getting our cancer sites linked to this site. This is a very personal subject to our family and we hope to bring the much needed information to people who are facing this devastating disease. Good news, we have successfully linked some of our sites below.

Please feel free to shop on our sidebar stores for some great sale items.

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If you had to rate your energy level on a scale of 1-10. 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, what would your number be...
* I would hope you were at least a 9 and no less than 5. If you are less than a 5, I wonder how you get thru the day. Besides your sleep patterns, and the other million reasons for not sleeping right , there are dozens of things you can do to increase your energy, besides...caffine...soft drinks...and all the rest of those quick fixes that don't work. We drink "Noni Juice" and take B-complex, and Omega 3-6-9s. NEVER buy these items at discount stores. We have been researching supplements and using them for around 20 years or so. The first ingredient on labels tells you whats in them!!! Let me say that again....Some people don't understand this ...The First Ingredient on the Label tells you what's in it!!!!So if the first ingredient in a bottle of Noni Juice says..."water"...then that's pretty much what you are paying for. There is a book called, "The Noni Phenomenon" by Neil Solomon,Md,PhD. If you have any health problems right now...and I mean ANY...this is the book for you. For those of you who are Super Busy...this is the easy way to replenish your body and improve your health dramatically without changing your diet and going to the gym. Take a few ounces of Noni Juice everyday. There is only 1 Noni Juice that I recommend. ONLY 1. We had our father die of Cancer because he did the tradition Chemo, Radiation and we tried to get his new wife to give him the Noni Juice we recommended but she used some from Walmart.Don't waste your money. That stuff doesn't work!! The juice to buy is "Tahitian Noni Juice" In the Noni Phenomenon book it tells you about the differences in juice. It also tells you all the things that Noni cures. cancer, lowers blood pressure naturally, relieves chronic pain, diabetes and so much more...We also take Omega 3-6-9. If you are going to take the time and money to buy supplements to improve your health then get it right the first time. Never buy them at discount stores. Health food stores or know what you are buying on the internet and save money!!! The brand we use(yes we researched them to) is "Now" Omega 3-6-9, 1000mg. All of these items are available on on the side of our blog. Amazon .com has great prices and shopping online in the right places saves money!! You can get new or used books on Amazon and I have found books for $.65 Now that's a deal! The Omega's are $8.00-$10.00 cheaper than at the health food store. Now you won't get a deal on the Noni Juice. The price is always the same. But get the book us in your favorites to come back to and read the will change your life.

Shop our side bar stores and save money. Good health and saving money go hand and hand!

Disclaimer: This site is for informational purposes only. The author is not a medical doctor or trained nutritionist and is not responsible for any consequences regarding your use or intended use of any information provided on this site. Always check with your medical professional or trained nutritionist before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle regarding your health.

Cancer Site Click Picture
Cancer Site

Health Tip:
There are several acupuncture sites on your body that when you are stressed, upset stomach, or feeling pain, that you can tap on to relieve these symptoms. Yes, it really works. The sites to tap are as follows...your right and left cheekbone(the highest part of your cheek)...your collar bone (both sides closest to your throat)...your right and left hand on the side by your little finger. Begin by tapping about 10 times on your cheek, then 10 times on tip of your collar bone then 10 times on your outer hand bone near your little finger and then repeat. It usually takes about 1 minute for results. Use 3 fingers to do this.

Lung Detox Click Picture
Lung Detox

Health Tip:
Getting a good nights sleep seems to be harder and harder to achieve. The reason is, our lives are so busy. When you go to bed, try a relaxing routine...make sure you have your neck properly aligned, generally using just 1 pillow. Only have your head on the pillow and not your shoulders. Lie flat on your back and make sure your shoulders are down( when they are pulling upwards towards your head it's a sign of tension) relax them .It's takes about 5 min. to do this routine. Start at your toes and concentrate on each and every part of your body until you reach your shoulders again. Being properly aligned and relaxed will allow you to reposition to your favorite position and help you sleep better. A good hot bath everyday also helps relax your muscles.

If You Smoke Click Picture
If You Smoke

Health Tip:
When your body is tired, and not just from lack of's telling your something. Usually poor nutrition. Most people eat on the run. Fast food is probably 25% of our diet or more in some cases. Changing your eating habits is the 1st thing to do, BUT that's not what you want to hear. It is a lot of work to think about nutrition...what nutritional value the food you are eating is giving you...SOOOO...let's start with something easy. Your body needs minerals to process the food you eat daily. Yes, a multivitamin is good, but it usually has very small amounts of minerals and is harder to digest than liquid form. I recommend getting a liquid mineral that needs refrigeration after opening and taking it with your multivitamin. One that tastes like citrus. There are some on Amazon. com that are good values or at your local health food store. The reason I always say go to Amazon is because usually if you are not on your way to the store right won't do it. All good intentions need to be done immediately. You know what mean! Good luck.

Ear Problems Click Picture
Ringing of the ears

Health Tip:
Do you think of the word DIET as a four letter word. Does going to the gym and working out sound as exciting as getting an espresso enema!! Join the club. I personally have purchased and wasted more money on weight loss equipment that never gets used...I could have gone on a cruise for the amount I have wasted. It always ends up in a garage sale and then feeling guilty later and I go out and buy more...promising myself this time I'm going to stick to it. NEVER HAPPENS! I even joined a gym for 1 year. I went about 20 times. More money wasted. If you want to increase your metabolism and lose weight, stop wasting money on things you know you won't stick's my advice. Use the acupuncture sites I described above when you feel stressed instead of eating to calm yourself. Incorporate some kind of multivitamin/mineral supplement that I described above. And most importantly...improve your metabolism. How? It's easy... All you have to do to begin with is walk in place for 15 min. while your watching TV. Do this everyday for 1 month. When the weather is good outside...take the dog for a walk. No dog? Take the cat...we have a cat stroller for our cats and we take them every chance we get. 15min...that's all. Over time you will increase your metabolism and energy level and feel more like doing other things instead of couch potatoeing. Most of all decrease your food intake. If you follow this SIMPLE advice...your body won't crave as much food, and it's easy to stick to walking for 15 min. Good luck.

Remove Warts, Moles, Skin Tags, Click On Picture
Remove Warts, Moles, Skin Tags

Health Tip:
You've heard the old saying "laughter is the best medicine", well it's true. How often during the week do you laugh? It's recommended you laugh at least 2-3 times a week. Don't have anything to laugh at? Then you need to relax more and don't take things so seriously. If something is bothering you and you have absolutely no control over it...stop stressing about it. If you have control over it then fix it and move on. Stress will cause you to have physical problems. Not good!!! Take time to watch a comedy. Spend time playing a game with your family or friends. Find ways to enjoy yourself and laugh. Think of what made you laugh as a child and incorporate it into your life today. But whatever you do just laugh. Start having fun again!!!!

UTI  Info

Laundry Tip:
Do you ever wonder where the lint in the dryer comes from? Not something we all give a great deal of thought about. However... it comes off of the clothes you put in it. In other words if you wash your favorite shirt at least once a week, you are cooking the fibers off of you shirt. Here's some food for thought...we don't put any of our shirts, jackets, sweatshirts,sweatpants, and delicate care items in the dryer. We put them on hangers and hang them on doorways overnight, and then air fluff them in the dryer the next day. The only things that go into the dryer are...jeans(wash and dry inside out), towels, socks, underwear, and cotton jammie's. By not putting your items in the dryer you are extending their usefulness by years!!!!! SAVES MONEY. My youngest who is 22 has shirts that have never been in the dryer...since the 6th grade. They are still nice and wearable. Hope this helps in these bad economical times.

Develope Your Psychic Mind, Click on Picture
Develope Your Mind

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